EATFestival - Coming to East St in October

This BID backed new event is a food and drink festival that aims to showcase the local businesses and create a focus on East Street - see The following is from the event organisers:

eat:Festivals have been developing events that act as placemaking focus for the past 10 years around the south west and this is their first event in Bristol

They have applied to close the road for the day and will be inviting in around 60 local food and drink producers to complement the bricks and mortar businesses.

The layout has been well planned to ensure free and easy access through the stalls to businesses with pockets of entertainment - like music, strolling entertainers and buskers. The event is planned to run from 10 - 4pm

How are you going to showcase your business?

Hospitality businesses are encouraged to think about the "after party" and promoting #eatBedminster on their social channels.


  • If you are planning to use your curtilage on the day (and you normally don't) it would really help the organisers if you tell them so that they can accommodate this in their planning Get in touch at

  • Share the event - keep an eye on the BID social media channels and share with your own pages please

  • Think about how you're going to draw footfall over your threshold on teh day and afterwards

Stall numbers

We have a couple of constraints - the license limit set by Bristol City COuncil for a market (50 traders) and ensuring our layout gives the local businesses a clear line of sight and not hacking them off in this first year and queering our wicket for 2023 and beyond. We think the proposed layout is flexible to deal any left vehicles, new business openings and impromptu use of curtilage