9th March - Whats On This Week?

We have picked out some of the events on in Bedminster this week and popped them all into one place for you…. If you have an event coming up, make sure you send it in!

Monday 9th - Open Mic Night - Hen & Chicken, 20:00 - 23:30 

The Hen and Chicken run an open mic night on the second Monday of every month, in a custom-built music room - 'The Chicken Shed'  and it is clucking awesome! 

With top quality inbuilt PA and hosted by a brood of local musicians for this special opening night: James Slater (Iron and Oak/ Appalachia), Elliot Hall and Sarah Larkham (Larkham and Hall / Coyote Blue) and with soundman Stu from Touch PA. Contact them to pre-book your slot! 

Wednesday 11th - Breathe Your Purpose - Trika Yoya, 14:00 - 15:30

Who are you really? Why are you here? What is your purpose and how do you know when you're living it? If we want to live a colourful, vibrant, creative life, these are the questions we must all ask of our soul. But the true answers are almost impossible to arrive at through our thinking-mind because its job is to keep us safe, logical and certain.

To find, feel and know our truth, we must journey to a different space.

Breath is the bridge to that space. By using the dynamic and conscious breathing technique that Jo will share, we will break out of the normal physiology and perspective, free up some old emotional debris and arrive into the blissful state of nothingness - the place that can take years for dedicated meditators to reach.


Saturday 14th - Barn Dance - St Aldhelm’s Church, 19:30 - 22:30

Get your dancing shoes on! The annual barn dance returns to St Aldems Church this Saturday, with music from the Bridgwater Country Dance Band! Tickets cost £8 adult, £6 children - with prices including dinner! Visit Lion Stores on North Street to buy your ticket now! 

Saturday 14th - Blues at the Old Bookshop, 16:00 - Late

Get rockin at the Old Bookshop as they prepare for some uptempo rocking blues this Saturday! Free admission, open from 4 pm.