Spring Cleaning 2020

Spring Cleaning 2020

Well Spring has well and truly sprung and it’s time to dig deep into those cupboards and closets for a good old fashioned spring clean...2020 lockdown style! 

Old Clothes  - head for Wilko! 


Now with the current circumstances, the charity shops around BS3 are closed for donations, but that doesn't mean you can’t keep them stored in a neat and tidy fashion, ready for such a time as they are reopened.

A set of vacuum bags are a space saving dreaming, pack them up with goods and then simply set the hoover to them. You can get these in a variety of sizes from Wilko. Head directly to the Wilko on East Street, or you can buy these online via Wilko’s own website: https://www.wilko.com/en-uk/search/?text=vacuum+bags 

Cleaning Products:

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If it’s cleaning products you’re after then look no further than Zero Green. Currently offering both delivery and collection, you can pick up everything you need for your Spring clean right here.  Stocking a wide range of eco-friendly products from bathroom cleaner and white vinegar, to laundry cream, citric acid crystals and more. 


That special lightbulb that’s needed replacing for 18 months...

Where do you go when you’re in need of a truly random shopping list of supplies…. Well Lion Stores of course. Whenever you’re in need of missing bulbs of all types, scouring pads, mops, brushes, screws, nails, gardening supplies and pretty much anything else… you’re almost certain to find it here. Just give Derek a call on 0117 366 7233 - he’ll sort you out and you can collect or the BID can organise a local delivery. 


Extra storage


When you Spring clean you always find collections of items which should be housed together. This is where the AMAZING Dear Old Thing on West Street comes in. If you haven’t been in, its  treasure trove of furniture including storage solutions of all kinds from trunks to cabinets and shelves to bureaus. Give them a call for an inventory or head to their pretty great Facebook account for inspiration..then pick up or get it delivered if you’re in BS3.